Economic Recovery
Descripción general
Ensuring residents can re-establish businesses and provide the goods and services that make our County a vibrant place to visit, work and live is a key priority. The focus of the Economic Recovery Branch is to coordinate with the County’s public, private, and non-profit efforts to develop a long-term vision for our local economy.
Co-Leads: Chad Criswell & Dominic Cameratta
Jay Johnson
Donna Germain
John Lai
Ryan Markham
Ben Spence
Shane Spring
Rob Wells
Tim Abbott
Tim Mitchel
Ben Siegel
Frank Bonifilia
Robert Galloway
Kevin Barbot
Jonathan Gabel
Jacki Liszak
Steven Weathers
Jim Magnus
Bill Johnson, Jr.
Kyle Moran
Identify partnerships and incentives supporting the workforce, such as affordable housing near jobs and availability of technical certifications, to draw new populations to the area and encourage the generations raised in Lee County to stay here
Identify short-term actions that support the rapid recovery of businesses, including access to financing, and marketing the tourism-based economy
Rebuild more public access to natural resources
Prioritize industry-sector growth to build a resilient economy